Our Price History

We have a long price history of beating the Michigan average retail price! (Scroll over graph to see actual prices)

Check out our price history to see the great value in trusting us with your propane needs.

We offer peace of mind with our no run-out guarantee, smart tank monitoring, easy digital account access, hassle-free tank leasing, insured price protection, and top-notch customer service—all at a price lower than the Michigan average!

price history
Claim/ServiceCaywood PropaneMost Competitors
No run-out guaranteeYesNo
Online OrderingYesNo
Online PaymentsYesNo
Online Price Protection Sign-UpYesNo
Online Account HistoryYesNo
Smartphone AppYesNo
Published Prices/TermsYesNo
Free Monitor for Leased TanksYesNo
price history
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